"You don’t need to drive a crazy deficit to see results, assuming you are not already at a low body fat percentage, if you maintain a daily deficit of around 500 calories, you would lose about 1 pound per week. Considering you burn ~800-1,200 calories a day just by being awake, assuming you aren’t eating excessively, you don’t need to burn as many calories through exercise as you would think."

Hunter-gatherers, who have much greater activity levels, don't burn more calories than sedentary humans in an industrial society because our bodies adapt to the increased activity level by burning fewer calories elsewhere. https://www.perplexity.ai/search/hunter-gatherers-don-t-burn-an-zxgMTIHvTRSHW77RXOXmrQ

The fact that people overwhelmingly choose to exercise to lose weight, rather than cut back on caloric intake, really shows the power of gym marketing.

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It’s easy to start off on a high, but it’s difficult to maintain. Doesn’t mean it’s impossible though!

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Definitely not impossible but I wanted to craft things that would help cater to the lowest common denominator!

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