Oddly enough, while never hinted at in the film, I always felt that Tyler Durden must have come from a wealthy background as well. I am fairly certain we see him in designer clothing throughout the movie.

As to the broader system of healthcare, the US system is so broken on so many levels that blaming health insurance companies alone gets us nowhere. Arguably, it’s a step backward, because it serves only as a distraction.

I do think there is merit in universal health insurance coverage, but contrary to popular belief, a lot of countries achieve universal coverage through private insurers.

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Maybe Seven Monkeys is a prequel to Fight Club, so Tyler is just Brad Pitts character from that once he gets out of rehab.

Heard on the healthcare points.

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Blowing up the credit card companies doesn’t matter, people will get in debt again. It’s already the case that credit card debt is unsecured.

Insurance won’t change because a ceo was shot. If it does all it will mean is that companies pay out claims they ought not to for PR purposes, which will probably just drive up medical cost trend faster.

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Hey Forumposter,

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

You got it absolutely right. Even with these drastic actions, things will generally revert back to how they were before, change is much more difficult think, than even visionaries can appreciate.

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